Christmas Tidings

Dec 27, 2012 09:16

So let's just imagine that December brought with it several insightful blog entries from me about Christmas, because I meant to write them - honestly, I did - but I guess I was having too much fun actually enjoying the month to get down to it. Or I was too lazy. Yeah, there is that.

This Christmas was meant to be spent in New York City. We bailed on that, for one reason and for another and a few minor ones, and the upshot was that *suddenly* we weren't going and so it was going to be Christmas here after all. In this way the festival and the season snuck up on us. It still felt like Halloween for me; I wasn't ready for it to be Christmas.

But it was coming whether or not I liked it (I do like it) so I had to prepare for it. We've done a great job at it. I said over on ZuckerBook that one of the things that Christmas means to me is reconnecting with friends both old and new, and commonly seen and not commonly seen alike. And from that prism Christmas has been a grand success. We've seen quite a few friends, but it hasn't felt like a chore we didn't want to do and/or couldn't get out of.

An excellent upside to not going on holiday is by the time we finally decided not to, the holiday for the break had already been booked and approved by our respective workplaces (Liz doesn't really need her holiday approved. She calls the shots. I need to raise an electronic form and mail three people just to sneeze). It's a lot of holiday. I don't think I'd realised until the day I broke up from work when I looked at how long I was off and it was, in fact, until the second week of January (like, 7th or 8th?). That's pretty awesome. I am a dick about taking lots of time off for Christmas anyway but this really takes the biscuit.

So we're at the point now where in most years, I'd be getting ready to go back into work for a day or two (during which nothing productive would get done, but I would be at work) before having a few days off more for the New Year. Instead, this year, I'm still in holiday mode. And when New Year's Eve is over, I'll still be holiday mode for a few days yet. Great stuff.

Today I'm off to give blood. Hopefully we can fit in a coffee trip afterwards/before. Fuck the sales.
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