It was just like Halloween. . . . without the hoop skirts!

Sep 13, 2010 13:35

Adam Lambert on Friday night was. . . amazing.  He is one incredibly talented young man.

I headed out about 3:00p.m. from the office to head home and pick up the Roomie and the hubby.  We set our course for Winstar and spead merrily down I-35 towards the Texas/Oklahoma border.  At my request Craig drove so that I could finish sewing my epaulet and think of *something* to do with a hat that I bought earlier in the week.  In practically no time we were there; I didn't realize it took us 90 minutes to go that far; I was concentrating on what I was doing, and the tiny little (20ss) Swarovski stones were rolling around the back seat.  It seemed that every time I was ready to set one of them, we'd hit a bump on the less than recently paved interstate.

We got to the Winstar casino hotel, the valet took the car and we checked in and raced upstairs.  Our rooms were rather nice, and we showered and got ready to apply the copious amounts of 'GUYliner' and change into our respective outfits.

The tickets that we got were on the 2nd row, seats 21 and 22.  Can you say center stage?!?!?  They were AWESOME!!!  I kept my hat on while the opening act took the stage, then took it off so that the folks behind me could see the show.  The last thing I would want was to be seated behind a 7 foot tall leathered, feathered glamazon.  LOL

From the moment we got close to the venue to the time that the usher showed us to our seats; I was asked if folks could take my picture.  Of course, loving the attention as I do, I obliged.  That went on for about 20 minutes until the show started.  Then after it was over with, there was a line of folks lying in wait for me to make an exit; and asked that I take more pictures with them.  I had a ball!  It was just like Halloween year before last. . . without the hoop skirts!  :)

adam lambert

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