Sep 01, 2003 11:35
I sent this out last night to some friends. I think it should go here, too.
So its taken me a little longer, and its been a little harder, to contact each of you. As Andrea would say (an avid player of the Sims™) my friend upkeep points have dwindled to zero.
Now to make matters worse I'm sending this out as a mass email (Lazy, -5pts).
But its the best way to finally say hello (rationalization, -10pts).
I apologize (sincerity, +5pts).
I can't believe the summer is already over. School's in session, and for the first time in a decade or so I get labor day off. This weekend is the end of a long transitional journey that began with my final days at Allegheny, was all too exciting with multiple moves (to Georgetown and then to Arlington), and kept suspenseful with two months of feverish, nonstop, job hunting: 60+ organizations applied to (mostly unsolicited). Of these organizations I got one interview, thanks to the economy; some organizations have never gotten back to me, and others have only recently sent replies saying that they are still sifting through the hundreds or thousands of applications they have received (for one position mind you).
Thankfully, the one place I interviewed at I now work: the Center for Arms Control and Nonproliferation, as a web editor. I just happened to have the right set of skills thanks to my eccentric combination of computer experience and political science/religious studies majors. Its not the most glamorous position (I was really hoping for a way into the State Department), but it pays the bills and it has gotten my foot into the back door, and relatively on track, for what I want to do: peace/conflict/national security/foreign policy/international affairs work.
As a side ante dote many of the applicants to the position I am now employed in were dot-com refugees who were entirely over-qualified for the web editor position: one such applicant was a former-AOL executive.
So that's the standard (much abridged) story. I'm still alive, kicking, and optimistic (but very-very poor). So donate to the save-a-Gil fund, any donation from $500 to even just one dollar is appreciated:
[Address and email]
With your donation of twenty dollars you'll receive a pamphlet detailing the history of your Gil that includes a 4x5 photograph with handsome paper frame that you can hang on your mantle piece.
If your interested in receiving more information about the Save-a-Gil Foundation, LLC please send your CONTACT INFORMATION BY REPLYING TO THIS EMAIL.
Much love as always,