I'm free, I'm free!

Apr 26, 2003 13:12

I haven't read any news for about two weeks! I've broken the addiction unknowingly!

I'm free! I'm free!

This trend will continue for at least the next week and a half as finals get underway.

Yesterday was also my last day at the ambulance squad. I ran one call and fixed computers for most of the shift -- the chief's computer had klez and kak on it. I had him go out and buy norton antivirus 2003. That cleaned up all the problems he was having.

Just to be sure I downloaded the removal tools, too. They didn't find anything. Also, showed him how to update the program, but set it up to do everything automatically. Just needs to keep tabs on it for the next week or so and see if it can update itself without problems on his dialup.

When I go home I should do computer consulting while I look for a real job. I've certainly done it long enough for crap pay at a small business, high school, and college.
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