May 27, 2002 01:14
Whenever I am watching the Golden girls or something, and it says "Lifetime: television for women" I change the station. Really, I feel like it is a clubhouse and I am not allowed in. This is despite the fact that I used to always play with girls at playtime. I was that guy who jumped rope and could actually hula hoop. That was until 4th grade when my "best friend" Billy Wyman got mad at me for chewing on a marker or something and he turend the whole school against me. Then Dana, the big black girl with an odor problem, and I used to sit on the swings and see who could get higher. Ironically I ended up going to the senior ball with Dana. She fixed the odor problem by senior year. I guess that isn't really irony. Irony would be if I went to the Ball with Billy Wyman. But he moved away anyhow...