Mar 31, 2002 00:42
As promised, this is my entry about Mrs. Hwang.
I work for the Literacy corps at the worst elementary school in the Syracuse City School district. Delaware really blows. so they had put me in a special needs classroom. I was cool with that. Everything was fine until the teacher left to go have a baby. I ended up teaching half the class on Tuesdays and Thursdays. It was a little more responsability that I wanted so I asked for a classroom change. They put me with Mrs. Hwang. Mrs. Hwang is a sweet Korean lady, but not the best 1st grade teacher. On my first day I was intorduced to her concept of "Inventive Spelling". This is where she tried to get the kids to spell things out and then she writes the words as they suggest them to be spelled. I, personally, do not think it is the best idea, but hey, I am not the teacher.
So the activity we were doing was based on a book we were reading about soapy water. The kids had to write "I like to play with soapy water becasue I can..." and finish the sentence. Mrs. Hwang did some examples on the dry erase board. The board looked like this:
I like to play with soapy water because I can....
- Make bobels
- fel clen and slipri
- have a fun
I was just sitting there in fear of what was happening. I have come to learn that Mrs. Hwang can spell, but chooses not to. However, she does think there is nothing wrong with the phrase "have a fun" at all. In fact, she says it quite often.
While the kids were writing I covered Mrs. Hwangs examples so they would think for themselves as they wee told to do. One of the little girls ctarted crying when I told her to sit down as she was trying to uncover the answers. I told her I would help her after she had the uncoverd part written down in her journal (I like to play with soapy water because I can..." She stormed back to her seat an dramatically balled her eyes out. This started two other kids crying. They were all faking it big timem but I still felt bad. Little kids are the devil. I felt like such a jerk. But I did not give in and she stopped crying when she realized I wasn't going to! When she looked up there was not a tear in her eye. Then Mrs. Hwang came by and uncoverd the answers so I just look like the mean guy. That's okay. I am the mean guy!
Have a fun!