the end of this chapter, start of the next

Jul 03, 2007 10:39

ok this is the first time i have ever done one of these brain dumps its going to be hard.. but this is what i need to clear my head.

its been tough, me and gems have been through some relay hard times together, we faced the world together and gave it the finger when it tried to knock us down.
there have been times when we thought we could not go any further and we always picked it up and kept it going, until now.
and even as i sit here hurting in a way i have never truly hurt before i can look at the situation and say im doing the right thing. people grow, people change, and nothing lasts forever.
the old adage is true "Its better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all" my life is better and much enriched for having shared it with this wonderful, caring, loving woman and i can only wish the best for her and hope she finds the spark and the happiness she needs and has been sorely lacking in the last stage of our life together.
i will always love her and always have a place in my heart for her its just a different sort of love now. she is my closest and best friend we share so much that i could never share with my other friends, its the bond that can only be built by sharing a partnership with someone over the years we have spent together. we need some time apart to give each other the breathing space to heal that we are both going to need before we can truly make a working friendship (the pain is still to fresh). i have plans as to where my life is going from here but they are still a bit fuzzy and need fleshing out a bit.

to those of you who have known me for more than 7 years i do apologize in advance, my first reaction is to change back into the person i was before i was with gems im going to be Gof the mad shager again.
I love you all and can't thank you all enough for the support you have given us both, we both need our friends now more than ever and i need you all to understand that this is not a case of one or other of us has done something wrong its just a change of situation.
i will see ya all soon
love and hugs
The GOFUR xxxx

rant, help, brain dump, sad, scared, crying

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