Aug 16, 2005 19:03
OK.. I realize that Didn't work, so I'll fix it.
Term 1
A block - Algebra II, McNulty
B block - Biology I, Kates
C block - Spanish III, Mazzella (FUCK YES!)
D block - 2English, Roth
E block - 2World History, Woolley
F block - Study
G block - Graphics, Dailey
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Term 2
A block - Algerba II, McNulty
B block - Biology I, Kates
C block - Spanish III, Mazzella
D block - 2English, Roth
E block - 2World History, Wooley
F block - P.E&Health, Rice
G block - Internet/web design (hopefully)
Okay I'm hoping that I can keep my study where it is in the first sememster because my schudule will need some minor alterations. Mr. Awdycki didn't give me, or anybody.. A room number for Study hall, and he didn't put me in internet and web design. Study isn't a big deal because We'll just go to the library anyways, but if it's closed then thats kind of an issue. If there's no Internet/Web design available G block during the second semester, then I'll just take computer apps or some other computer course to fulfill the requirment. My schudule is like.. perfect, and It doesn't need to be fucked up. Worst case scneario, if there's not even a computer course offered G block of the second semester, then I can just do it next year.
C block.. 3rd class.. whatever you wanna call it, will be fucking awesome. Deeds is in my class! And I have Mazzella!
Oh yeah, And Ashley and Deirdre are both in my study, and in my Gym/Health!!!!