Been meaning to write this for some time but I sort of got hooked on Myspace ( Anyways this is a three possibly four-parter covering the days of June 1st through the 4th, Mike and Julie's engagement party.
Woke up around 7 am and pulled myself together. The last time I had gone to DC I took 221 to 95 and that was roughly a nine hour drive. This time I was driving through Mountain City Tennessee and taking 91 all the way up to 81. Took about seven hours and as soon as I got to DC I proceeded to get lost. Not being a grid city like NY I was really frustrated; but I drove past the zoo (my old stomping grounds) and the WWII Memorial, which is a lot bigger than the pictures and is really gorgeous. I finally gave up and parked my car at the Hotel Churchill and called Mike on a pay phone. He met me on the corner of Connecticut and Porter and I followed him back to his place. They live in a large Hispanic neighborhood but their apartment was very nice, definitely looked bigger on the inside. Ocoee (named after the river) was their new pug puppy and I spent most of the weekend talking like an idiot to him. What can I say I love pugs.
After Julie got home with Andrew we realized that I was the only one who had confirmed for the Dave Attel tickets which Katie had secured for us. We decided to go to the Lincoln Theatre anyways and the line stretched all around the block. Met up with the rest of the group and we waited. After a bit some crew members came and started passing out tickets, so it was win/win. Dave was a blast, although he didn't seem as on as when I saw him four years ago with Lewis Black and Mitch Hedberg, and I can't wait for the show to air on HBO. My favorite bit was his commercials for Jaegermeister. "It's 6am, a man's crawling out of a bush covered in blood and dirt, holding onto one high-heel shoe..........did I just eat a hooker?! Jaegar."
After the show we were all hungry and the other Max (which was weird, I've only known two or three other Max's my entire life) suggested that we eat at the Ethiopian cafe. I agreed more out of curiosity as to what Ethiopians eat than anything else. It's kind of a mix between Tapas and lazy burritos. All of the meat and veggies (the meat was kinda of creamy, like chipped beef) were on a big plate and each of us got a basket of this very spongy (like nerf) bread. What you did was tear off a piece then grab the meat and veggies with the bread and eat it all up. Strange texture but not bad either. The bill though was bad. Definitely a neat place to take a first date though.
After Roha (that Ethiopian place) we went to "the gayborhood" as Mike called it to a bar called Trios. When you order, say, a rum and coke from there what they do is give you a coke, and a glass filled with rum. Get another glass into the mix and you just bought two drinks for the price of one. I like to people-watch, it's a fun passive hobby. In the booth to our right this guy and girl were more or less trying to get in on with clothes on. I caught Nicole (Mike and Julie's roommate) watching them too and eventually they left, with everyone giving them a round of applause. Turns out I wasn't the only one watching, it seems. Later on, another guy and his girlfriend came stumbling into the bar. The guy was muttering to himself and as he passed by me he flicked my hat but I just ignored it. On my left was Andrew, which this drunk dude shoved. Andrew tried to be civil and asked him not to touch him but this idiot was cruising for a fight (against the six of us?!). Julie got up and got the staff and he was dragged out post haste.
Finally got back to the apartment and Mike and Julie went to bed. Nicole and I stayed up for a bit smoking cigarettes and talking when her strange friend from the office, Brent (or Bret?), came by doing his damndest to look like Joe Dirt. Eventually I went to bed and ended up on the couch cuddling with Nicole's dog, some black lab/shepard mix I think, but regardless she was a love-cow. I miss having dogs. Coming up next, Capital Recap Part II: Rollsey the Techno-Clown.