Oct 14, 2005 19:23
I picked up "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince" a couple days ago and finally just put it down. As to speculations:
R.A.B. Is most likely Regulus, but we won't know for sure until the Dutch translation comes out on Novermber 19th. If it is Regulus then his last name will be changed to "Zwarts" and so it should read R.A.Z.
Kreacher obviously has a big elf-crush on Draco. Since Harry is his master though I wouldn't be suprised if we find Draco's whereabouts through him.
Call me crazy but I think Snape is not a double-agent, but a triple-agent.
In a disturbing plot twist the last Horcruxe turns out to be Gryffindor's Sword, Harry uses Grawp to storm Hogwarts and fights Voldemort on top of the Astronomy Tower. Then Neville Longbottom comes out of nowhere with two AK-47s under each arm and is like "Ah Hell Naw!" and blows away Voldemort who tumbles off the tower in slow-motion, falls into the lake and gets eaten by the Giant Squid. Then the Lake Explodes for no reason.
SUPER SECRET SERIES ENDING: Luna Lovegood busts in covered in slashmarks and bruises muttering about how she wasn't Loony after all. Harry and Neville look out the window and see Rufus Scrimgeour and his army of Vampires advancing on the Castle with Rotfang conspirators. Harry and Neville look at each other and say "HERE WE GO AGAAAIIN!" before high-fiving each other and freezing in the air while "Highway to the Danger-Zone" starts playing. Roll Credits.