Tell Congress: Publish Your Earmark Requests!

Jul 28, 2008 15:58

Citizen's Against Government Waste

CAGW is right now waging an aggressive campaign to determine which members of Congress are willing to pay more than lip service to transparency and accountability. By letter and by phone, we are calling on each member of the House and Senate to disclose the earmark requests they submitted to their respective Appropriations Committees.

The leadership of the 110th Congress took control promising the “most honest, most open, most ethical Congress in history” and we are holding them to their word! While House and Senate rules do not require members of Congress to make their earmark requests available to the public, Americans deserve to know on which pet projects their elected representatives would lavish their hard-earned tax dollars.

Transparency is a vital first step toward eliminating the tens of billions of dollars spent on congressional earmarks annually and ending the “culture of corruption” that earmarking breeds.

CAGW is publishing the responses of members of the House and Senate on our website, as well as the lists of earmark requests they provide.

Help promote transparency and accountability by demanding that your Representative and Senators release their earmark requests today!

earmark, spending, congress, malfeasance, corruption

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