Jul 19, 2024 23:05
My mom passed away.
She had her family with her and as she fought her illness as we fought along with her, ensuring her care and comfort to the end. She succumbed on the 50th anniversary of her having come to the United States of America, on July 4th, 2024.
This is all anyone here needs to know. My friends and family have otherwise been notified. I appreciate the kindness of our friends, coworkers, and others who were aware or a part of the journey and I feel lucky to know such kind souls to care for me, but also kind wished for my mother.
No service information will be made public. No one needs cretins and dirt bags seizing a vulnerable moment for their sick ends or an easy in.
If you cannot see my active social media by logging into your regular account or call me directly and have it ring through, that's probably you. I can tell you I told my mom all about you and what you did and how you are, and she did not want to see you again, either. She also had some pretty clever and rude things to say about you. If you believe in the sort of thing, she might even curse you from the afterlife. It cheers me up to think so.