Oh hey, this old thing.

Feb 29, 2024 14:37

Breaking free of my past and the people who literally survive in it because they have nothing else, including the drive for something better.  Why? Because they burn themselves out reinventing themselves trying to hide from the all-consuming shadow of their terrible choices and deeds.  I do not need to shine the light on that anymore.

I am amazing.  Focusing on myself has made some intense and positive change in my life I can sustain.  I have not had a squeak of guilt or have I felt like I do not belong where I am in a long time.

I am looking forward to my next trip - I found a buyer in another state for the two guitars I am selling. The sale will pay for my whole trip and pad my savings, too.  It will be a lovely break for myself and my roommate who will have the whole place to himself to party with the Bear Cat. I am loving being able to get out of town while still having someone home to take care of Sullibear. 
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