Jul 11, 2004 20:10
Dude, some people, I swear...Ok, so I'm workin today, (and by the way, work wasn't too bad)...but there are these guys that usually come into the store and bring bags with them, and I freakin hate when they come in, and I think he's gay, which doesn't bother me, but we know he steals...anways, he comes in with like two or three teenage girls....and Gabby told me to keep an eye on them, so after I told Hal the manager that they were in, I went and kept an eye on them...so they come to check out, and I'm standing right by the counter, and the girl (who is black by the way, which also doesn't bother me) begins to bring up that I am prejudice...she specifically points to me, gives me the eyes, and says "that guy with the white cap"...I simply keep a smile on my face untill she starts going overboard with it, and I tell her that I'm like the most non prejudice person, and what really ticked me off was that she assumes this without knowing me, doesn't know that throughout highschool, I was practically a black person cause of the drumline, and loved them all to death, so it don't make no difference in the skin color....but yeah, so as she is walking out, I keep a smile on my face....that just aggrevates the crap out of me though, to assume that I would be racial in anyway....whateva....it's over with...but other than that, day was great....ready to take this bad boy test tomorrow, and ready to start a new week....but I guess that's it for now...pz