Feb 11, 2008 19:46
I just googled myself, by which I mean I googled mrfrodothefluffy (being that all that my real name brings up is a lot of strippers), which I have actually done before. Well this time I found a xanga journal written by someone else. Someone who has the name mrfrodothefluffy, written just like that. No underscores, no capital letters, just the same as mine. Also, creepily enough in their interests they have "Anything by Tamora Pierce" which is a direct quote from one of my profiles. So now I'm faced with a question, is this a ridiculous coincidence, or did they steal my name? I know mrfrodothefluffy isn't the most shockingly original name you've ever heard, but I don't think it is common either. And I know that my lj name is mrfrodothefeart, but I use mrfrodothefluffy for *everything* else (except for the Star Trek XI forums and TokyoPop site) and it really has become my name. There are people who only know me by mrfrodothefluffy. I AM mrfrodothefluffy. I suppose you will either understand that, or you won't.
I know that I can't possibly have rights to a user name, I don't even have rights to my real name. But I swear, I feel like someone just stole something from me. They created that account in March '06. I have proof that I have been using mrfrodothefluffy since at least April '05. I actually went on Neopets, NEOPETS the site that I haven't been on in a year because I hate them with a fiery passion, and looked up when I created my account with them.
And I can't even find a way to ask that damn girl about it because I have to become a member of xanga to contact her, and to do that I would have to use a name other than mrfrodothefluffy thus coinciding that it's hers.