ok, now really.

Oct 17, 2007 17:25

next time anyone tries to act like richmond is a dangerous place to live i'm going to laugh in their face.

the most exciting thing that has happened there is some homeless people passing out.

do you know what is going on, right now, in ALEXANDRIA?

some crack head is holding a bus hostage around the corner from my house. by the mcdonalds.
now, he's a crack head because no one is on the bus. not even the driver. it's just him...and his gun. ...and he is asking for world leaders....and molesting the bomb robot.


police think he may be related to an "accidental death" in huntley meadows. otherwise known as they found a dead body in the park this morning. i'd like to know how exactly a crazy man with a gun is involved in an "accidental" death?

anyway, just to tally this up there was a dead body found one block away from my house this morning and another block in the other direction there is a crazy man with a gun. and people worry about richmond.

*laughs mightily*

except not because i'm freaking stuck in my house, since route 1 is completely shut down all around me. doesn't that crack head know i have people to see today?
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