Someone kill me now...oh wait, I'm dead.

Sep 03, 2002 23:14

So Sam has this idea that we aren't merged, just stuck together real well. Next thing I know, we're bathing in a tub of rum. All that was accomplished was an entire night wasted off our ass, riding the Mock the Damn ride. It's sort of like 'It's a Small World,' except instead of singing they heckle you and throw eggs as you go through. (Sam + Eggs)Frodo's face by Sam's ass= Several murder attempts. But being dead already, you know... he'd pop awake again and curse Elbereth into positions even Theodred needs to stretch to twist into.

Did you know peanut butter is used to remove gum from just about anything? Sam knew this, but with a metric ass load of children who is surprised. I mean really. We're still finding gum stuck in unusal places at Bag End.

Guess what I'm covered in? If you said peanut butter, you are very close. Because you see... the cafeteria in Mandos wouldn't give us a jar of peanut butter. They would however give us three dozen peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. Let me tell you, peanut butter farts smell about as good as egg. I'm considering a divorce.

Hear there's a war in ME. Hahahaha. Once again, Shire property values go through the roof. One day I'm going to sell Bag End and retire to Rivendell.
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