Do I Try Too Hard To Make You Smile?

Jan 03, 2005 02:18

Break is over in perfect timing. Don't get me wrong kiddies, this has been the best break I've had yet. Not only have I avoided major fights w/my family, but I've had a good time w/them. I got to see friends and I enjoyed the whole thing, and got some sleep. I also ran out of money in short, perfect timing.

Tomorrow I am going to Spring Arbor to stay w/Miss. Emilee Grainger and her family, who insists upon making me dinner and is excited to get to know me(i feel like a celeberity ;) ). I'm excited. If any of you are going to be in the vacinity give us a call.

Today while talking to a friend about unconditional love being shown in our friendship, I thought about the parallel it held to my relationship/ everyone's relationship with God. in my conversation w/that person I talked about the fact that i was hurt that they didn't think they could tell me something after i tell them everything and that it made me sad that they thought they couldn't trust me to still love them after sharing it. He replied with the idea that he should have known he could expect it, seeing that he shows the same unconditional love towards me. it made me think, God loves us unconditionally, and you would assume that we could show Him a little of that unconditional love back. When things turn awry and you don't know what's going on, its easy to turn from God and not show Him love back, b/c we don't trust what He is doing and it upsets us...but he wouldn't ever do that w/us. We should trust Him with ourselves and also with our futures enough to Give him unconditional love and patience while he is working out his plan in our life.

Any who, i am currently preparing to write a paper for my sister. cheating you think? hah! i am a business woman, she wants to give it, and that is the end of that.

goodnight all.
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