The Prince - Machiavelli

Feb 05, 2009 21:03

As part of my self-campaign to read more classics of literature, I am reading an english translation of 'The Prince' by Niccolo Machiavelli.

Interesting book. All about Machiavelli's thoughts on how a Prince can acquire and govern territories (cities or principalities) based on a few factors.

Quotes I like so far:

Chapter 3 'Of mixed principalities'

'Another efficient remedy is to set up colonies in one or two places that will act as the shackles of your new state. If you do not set up colonies, you will have to send a great number of troops to secure it, while a colony can be established and maintained at negligible cost.'
Chapter 5 'How one should govern cities or principalities which lived under their own laws before being conquered':

'When an acquired state has been accustomed to living in freedom under its own laws, there are three ways of securing it. The first is to destroy it; the second, to move there oneself; the third, to let it live with its own laws, exacting a tribute and creating within it a regime of a selected few who will keep it friendly toward you.'

I originally read the book on the way up to visit my family since my Dad passed away. Now rereading it, as then wasn't able to absorb or appreciate much of it.
Chapter Six 'Of new principalities acquired through arms and skill':

'Men will always follow paths beaten by others, and proceed in their actions by imitation. But as they are rarely able to keep to these paths, or to match the skill of those they imitate, a prudent man should always set out on paths beaten by those who are truly great and worthy of imitation.'
Chapter Twenty Two 'Of the advisors of princes'

'There are three kinds of intelligence: One kind can understand on its own, the second can understand through others, and the third can understand neither on its own nor through others.'
'There is a dependable method by which a prince can know his adviser. When the prince sees that the adviser is more intent on furthering his own interest then that of the prince, and that his actions aim to further his own goals, this adviser will never be a good one, and the prince will never be able to trust him.'

the prince, classic literature, machiavelli

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