
Jan 01, 2023 08:51

Was invited to the traditional NYE celebration at Val's.

Decided to stay home. Stay in my jammies. Read. Watch 'flix. Chill. Go to bed at the regular time.

Medium rained most of the night. Was nice to hear the noises the rain makes on the roof and outside.

Didn't feel suicidal, depressed, or down. Felt weary. Didn't want to go to a social event where I'd have to wear a mask of being happier. Knowing I couldn't vent, as no one wants "downer" conversation at a party.

Once the rest of my little family left for the NYE celebration, and had settled into bed to read and watch flix around 10pm or so, started to feel more contented, less weary.

Read a few chapters of my book. Rewatched some "The Good Place" via 'flix as I got sleepy.

Had a good night's sleep. Awoke today feeling... okay. Not "meh, okay" but contented/neutral/reset'd "um, I'm okay."

Taking a break seems to have been a good choice.

2023, 2022

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