Working the entire weekend - oncall discomfort

May 26, 2008 13:41

It was my turn to be on-call for the entire weekend.

Friday there was a major system's outage that affected massive parts of the company's network. So, instead of getting to go home early, ended up staying until 6pm.

Was paged friday night, saturday 3am, saturday 8am, saturday noon, saturday evening, saturday nite, sunday 3am, sunday morning, sunday afternoon, sunday evening, monday morning, monday afternoon.

Cannot go anywhere. Cannot sleep. Trapped. Exhausted both physically and emotionally. I just want the torment to be over. It is only 2pm, so have to stay braced for more until 6am Tuesday morning.



Sleep deprived, as after being startled awake by the duty pager, cannot get back to sleep. I believe I have slept a total of 8 hours, in 2hour pieces, for the entire 3-day weekend. Arrrgh!

Posting this as a self-memory, to be able to appreciate the good times in life by contrasting to things like this weekend. Compared to extreme hardship and grief, like in Myanmar and China lately, this is minor. But for me, this has been hardship.


In spite of the terrible mood all this puts me in, still trying to grab little moments of happiness from this: Playing trains and construction toys in son's room between pages. Hugging both children, and my wife. They are worth having pain and suffering for them: (chanting to myself in my own head, over and over: I do this for them. )

I leave myself with this sage quote:

"...find a happy place, Find a happy place, Find a Happy Place!" -- Peach, "Finding Nemo"

life, unpleasant memory, hardship

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