legal recreational cannabis - tolerance break regimin

Apr 12, 2021 19:02

legal recreational cannabis - tolerance break regimen

My regular current regimen is to have two drops of cannabis oil at about 10pm, to assist in relaxing and having a good nights sleep

Recently I noticed that the effects were seeming deminished. Instead of feeling noticeably relaxed and sleepy 90min after consuming the cannabis drops, I barely felt anything at 2hrs post consumption.

Upon reflection, realized I had likely been consuming the two drops every night, since I did my resupply run a few months ago.

So, it was unlikely the cannabis had lost potency. It was the most likely that my body had started to exhibit tolerance to the cannabis.

Researched cannabis tolerance break procedures via web search. Decided to follow procedure (web search for "weedmaps tolerance break"). Their article was informative. Basically, their recommendation is 48hrs of zero cannabis consumption.

Since I use cannabis to help me get to sleep, decided the least disruptive days to maybe have bad sleep were Friday and Saturday.

For a few days before taking a break, weaned myself down in my amount of cannabis drops consumed before bedtime. Since my normal amount was two drops, did only one drop per night, for a few nights, before the tolerance break.

Friday night, with zero drops consumed, went to bed at 10pm. Just watched TV and waited (hoped?) to get sleepy. It took a long time. Finally closed my eyes at 2am, and woke up at 8am. Six hours sleep. Only felt "Meh" level of rested.

Saturday night, with zero drops consumed, was a little better. Went to bed at 10pm, watched TV again, and felt sleepy at midnight. Woke up about 6am (twilight/pre-dawn) again feeling just "so/so" rested.

Sunday night, resumed my cannabis-assisted sleep routine. Took two drops of cannabis oil at 10pm. This time, after a two-day abstinence, had a wonderfully different experience. I think I felt it within 30min, and fell asleep before 11pm. Woke up at 7am Monday: eight hours of sleep!

legal, cannabis, recreational, california, tolerance break, 626, 2021

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