Legal recreational cannabis - dispensary resupply run
Goal: cost savings.
Looked at the weedmaps online menu for my favorite trusted dispensary:
Cornerstone Collective. Realized that tincture edibles provided more mg of THC and CBD per dollar.
Wrote down some products and prices, to do my THC:CBD 2:1 ratio regimen.
Went near opening time, just after 10am, which was an excellent choice: they are not too busy in the early morning, so was able to in-and-out quickly.
Showed the salesperson what I had written down, and what I was trying to do (cost savings but still wholesome products with a good reputation).
They brought me two tinctures.
One tincture was Mary's Medicinals THC tincture. Provides 1000mg THC per bottle. Cost was fifty dollars.
The second tincture was Mary's Medicinals CBD tincture. Provides 500mg CBD per bottle. Cost was fifty dollars. The packaging also mentions that one drop provides approximately 2mg of CBD.
With all the taxes, the total purchase price was one hundred and thirty-seven dollars.
Both tincture bottles contain a net of 12.5grams of tincture. So it looks like each Session will be a single drop of liquid from each container.
If I did my math correctly, I will get about two-hundred servings of CBD per bottle, as 2mg is what I usually consume per Session. It seems the THC will be about 4mg per drop, as the concentration of THC is double in its bottle.
So approx two hundred Sessions of 2:1 THC:CBD for one hundred and thirty-seven dollars. Works out to about sixty-nine cents per Session.
Since I currently still only do one Session per night, I should be able to enjoy a great night's sleep for a little over six months, before the need to do another dispensary resupply run
EDIT 2019-04-06
Changed the amount of THC tincture I consume. Now am having two drops of the THC tincture with one drop of the CBD tincture. Seems one drop of the THC tincture was not enough to prevent waking up pre-dawn too many days this last week.
With two drops of THC tincture combined with one drop of CBD tincture consumed around 8pm, sleep onset is around 10p to 11p, usually waking up around 6am or so.
EDIT 2019-08-18
Still doing 1 drop CBD plus 2 drops THC after dinner, for a great night's sleep. Have felt no need to adjust the dosage higher. The CBD bottle is currently about half full. The THC bottle is currently about one third remaining.
It may be that staying with this cannabis tincture brand and the number of drops I do, means only having to visit a dispensary and resupply every six months. *Huzzah!*