Legal recreational cannabis, using edibles, thc and cbd in 1:1 ratio

Jul 31, 2018 19:24

Legal recreational cannabis, using edibles, thc and cbd in 1:1 ratio

There have been a lot of anecdotal articles on the internet that CBD provides some additional health benefits for those that take it.

So, in a leap-of-faith that there may be some double-blind scientific studies that come out in favor, I have adjusted my edible cannabis consumption.

This month, I went back to my vetted, California BCC recreational licensed, cannabis dispensary: Cornerstone Research Collective. (They are a few miles West of Old Town Pasadena, on Colorado Blvd.)

This time, the goal was to try thc/cbd 1:1 ratio edibles.

Purchased PLUS brand THC edible gummies, 5mg THC per edible.

Purchased PLUS brand CBD edible gummies, 5mg CBD per edible.

Using a sandwich knife, I cut a THC edible in half. I cut a CBD edible in half. I then take one half of each kind, to reach a dosage of (2.5mg THC + 2.5mg CBD).

The difference in sensations is subtle, to me, as compared to before when I was just trying a THC edible regimen.

The combination of 2.5mg THC with 2.5 CBD, seems to have the same delay, and duration. The intensity of the relaxation and feeling of having a smile feels moderated, in a good way.

edible, cannabis, california, thc, cbd

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