Legal recreational cannabis, using edibles, for me

Apr 07, 2018 19:34

Okay. I now have a regimen on how I prefer to consume legal recreational cannabis.

Friday, Saturday, and Sunday evenings is when I have some.

1/2 of a 5mg THC mint, "Breez" brand, consumed with dinner. So a dose of 2.5mg of THC per Session.

90min later, it kicks in, and I get to feel relaxed and mood-elevated for about 2hrs to 3hrs. As it starts to fade away, is when I typically go to sleep for the night, so I noticed it is a nice way to transition to sleep: feeling relaxed and mood-elevated.

When I wake up the next morning, it seems it leaves residual good feelings, so I feel good in the morning, until almost 8am to 9am.


The most recent time I purchased my THC mints, the price was US$40 for 50mints, each mint being 5mg THC. With the California legal taxes, the final price is about US$50, or about US$1 per mint.

Since I use half of a mint as my dose, I now achieve one hundred doses per container of Breez mints. Even if I have half of a mint each day of Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, or 1.5mints/wkend, I will be able to enjoy them for 33wks at my current rate of consumption. So US$50 for thirty-three weeks of relaxed weekend evenings, seems quite frugal, in the best possible way.

Lastly, since I've started using edible THC in this way, my recreational alcohol consumption has gone to ZERO. I no longer use alcohol to relax at home on the weekends. Edible THC has replaced it.

EDIT 2018-05-01

It has now been about a month since I found a cannabis regimen that works for me.

Now that I have about a month of Experience, wanted to share that...

I notice I sleep longer when I have had some edible cannabis at dinnertime the night before. Typically I sleep starting between 10pm to 11pm, and wake up between 5am and 6am, lately. BUT, if I have edible cannabis at dinnertime the night before, I wake up at about 7am to 8am the next morning. So, for me, it has a positive effect of a longer night's sleep.

I notice that when I have edible cannabis, that it acts as a bronchodilator, 90min after consumption. I already have prescription asthma medicine that I use as needed (albuterol nebulizer), but I also notice that if I had a mild wheeze before a Session, it goes away once the cannabis begins to make me feel mood-lightened/relaxed, and I don't feel the need to use the albuterol. Wife reports I seem to breathe better in my sleep those nights, less snoring from me, as well.

edible, legal, cannabis, recreational, 2018, california

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