Gateway MX6214 laptop, Debian Stable, and WiFi self-meme

Aug 19, 2012 17:22

Gateway MX6214 laptop, Debian Stable, and WiFi self-meme:

As a default desktop install, seems if I had had the hardware WiFi radio turned off, but then decide I want to use it, seems I also have to reboot in order for the kernel and wireless subsystems to 'see' it fully

If I dont reboot, then the network manager 'sees' the signal, but any attempts to actually resolve a URL and connect fails. Meaning I do "dig" and get no resolve, unless I have the WiFi hardware radio enabled, then do a reboot.

...Something I want to research on a future date. I'd like to find a way to have a script, if possible, see if WiFi radio enabled, and do any needed kernel module loading, or configuring (etc) to have it work without requiring a reboot


Hm. Seems the laptop also has the same undesired behavior when resuming from suspend (if I close the laptop, then reopen later, same issue).

debian, gateway, wifi, mx6214, 2012

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