Jun 04, 2008 19:40
I went to a grocery shopping today.
Now, I know that I'm in Ohio and here, for some inexplicable reason, there is no recycling system, I'm still a little annoyed at this thing.
I get all my groceries, come to the checkout counter and cringe because I forgot my canvas bags.
So I'm forced to get the plastic bags. And this is how the checkout lady bagged my groceries:
1. two plastic bags for one gallon of milk.
2. no bagging for the 2nd gallon of milk (because I told her not to use double bagging)
3. one lunch-sized paper bag for a box of cherry tomatoes, put inside a paper bag with a six pack of beer, put inside two plastic bags
4. two plastic bag for a bunch of bananas
This was after I told her not to double bag anything. And yes, wtf to bag # 3
And then, I asked her, "Do you double bag everything?"
She seemed really proud of herself as she said, "Not everyone here double bags, but I do."
Moral of the story: Carry canvas bags everywhere so that when I encounter environmentally unfriendly people like this woman, I can wield my reusable bags at her and she won't know what hit her.