Jun 22, 2007 00:00
So I'm in California, as you all know and if you don't, I don't really care...but, I was all nonsense when I wrote my last post...as you could probably tell :)
So the interns here...funny stuff going on. I find it highly entertaining the way events have progressed. I'm generally pretty laid back, but I love drama going on in other peoples lives.
So, rewind. Four interns started here on May 14. Leigh (my doppelganger), Miller, and McCool (both Ryans...Ryans generally tend to hate each other and that's definitely what happened here. So I'm totally making up the Ryans hating each other thing, but McCool believed me when I said it.) Anyways, Miller is...different. He spends most of his time going to worship services, and I think that it's completely fine that he's religious, but he doesn't ever do any of the intern activities, or plain old hanging out. He's one of those people that thinks that religion has to be an integral part of your life or you'll go to hell. Or something like that. Every time he talks to anyone, he talks down to people as if he knows everything. And I severely dislike know it alls.
On the first day, we find out that McCool is sharing his apartment with his lady friend, Crystal. We meet Crystal, and we like her and she seems nice. So fast forward to two weeks later: Leigh, McCool, Crystal, Adrian (the new intern...HIPPIE! he's awesome) and I all go to Berkeley on Friday night to check out what there's to do. In the car, McCool and Crystal are talking about their lives and how they met, and Crystal starts going on and on about how she's soooo jealous of other girls and that she could never stand it if Ryan left her for some other girl. (This is the same day that my roommate, Erin, and two other new interns, Aaron and Will (roommates) went to San Francisco on a friday night, leaving at 11ish from Pittsburg and neglecting to remember that the BART (train) ends at 1, so they're stranded in SF till 6am till the train starts again...that was pretty funny, but a completely different story. This is also the same weekend that Dave came, but he was landing pretty late. Again, completely different story)
So anyway, at work, McCool, Leigh and I are a clique...and there haven't been any other cliques formed as of yet. Adrian is a Berkeley person, so he's just living at his co-op there and never really hangs out with anyone outside of work, which is understandable because he has his entire group of friends at school here. Berkeley is approximately 20 minutes from Pittsburg. (Random fact: no one else except Michigan people and Berkeley people know what a co-op is.) Will, Erin and Aaron have sort of formed a clique because of their SF debacle, but it hasn't truly been solidified. And Miller is just kinda out there. Crystal doesn't work with us but she's in our clique outside of work. So a few more weeks pass and then Crystal goes back to New Mexico for summer school, and Ryan McC is living by himself for a while.
So about two weeks ago, my roommate Erin and Ryan McCool started hanging out extensively, as in not inviting anyone else to go with with. So I started getting bored after work, because Ryan McCool can apparently only have one friend at a time (it was Leigh for about a day and then me for a few weeks till he got to know Erin) so I wanted to hang out with Leigh. Unfortunately, Leigh goes to bed at about 8:30pm because she has to get up at 5:30 am to "get ready." So I started hanging out with Aaron and Will. Today, I found out that shit is really hitting the fan for McCool and Crystal. She apparently hated Erin from the moment that she met her, even though Erin is one of the nicest people I have ever met. Extremely laid back, as far as roommates go. And why is shit hitting the fan? Because, Erin and her boyfriend are also not getting along anymore. Erin's words: "I fell for another guy." And she's talking about McCool. McCool...he's kinda a douche. He's 28, not that attractive, and is cheating on Crystal with Erin. Crystal is supposed to come back to Pittsburg on July 3, but I don't know what's going on with McCool and her anymore. I'm very curious to find out what is gonna happen...
Completely unrelated:
I seem to have become injury prone upon coming to California. Two weeks ago, as I was riding my bike to work, my wheel got stuck in one of the 8 sets of railroad tracks about a mile from work. So I fell off the bike, busted my palms, four of my fingers, my shoulder, my knees, my cheekbone, and a bit of my stomach. I slept for half the day in medical services and the nurse bandaged me up nicely. My scabs are healing right now. But...last weekend, Friday night we went to Berkeley...and Will decided it would be a good idea to pick me up. Unfortunately, he was pretty drunk and I got body-slammed into the pavement. He busted my elbow. So I couldn't move my elbow for a few days, and I still cant touch anything with my elbow even slightly or it feels like I hit my funny bone (I have no idea what the scientific name for that is, nor do I care) So Will baked me apology brownies. And today Aaron, Will and I made Jell-o shots after Aaron hit me in the face with a basketball. That's right, IN THE FACE. WTF. Anwyay, we're planning on having a small party tomorrow night with the new clique: Will, Aaron, I + Leigh. Should be interesting...I pretend like I live at Will and Aaron's apartment.
Oh yeah, work is cool too. I think my supervisor thinks I'm kind of incompetent, but I'm going to show him. I became highly motivated after my weekly meeting with him yesterday. I'm going to finish all my goddamn projects, even if I don't care. I'm going to be the best damn intern they've ever had. Not that I want to work at Dow when I graduate. Ok, my job: I'm finding replacements for obsolete pump models, doing failure analysis on leaky valves, writing procedures for compressor changes, doing mechanical analysis on a compressor liner, and the only crap project...six sigma. Six Sigma is the stupidest work process ever. It pretty much says, "Get data, analyze it, and then implement a solution." Extremely stupid. What's the point of that? Shouldn't that be happening anyway? Do you seriously need six sigma to tell you that you should check something out before you implement a solution? What the fuck, man. A fun intern thing: we all have communicator, the instant messaging program. I spend a lot time talking to Ashley in Midland. I should visit her when I get back.
Annoying thing: Entire family is in India for Arshi's wedding. GUH.
This summer is just so amazingly awesome. Ankur was right. This summer is just like The Hills. This is just the drama part.
I hope you didn't read all of that. And if you did, I hope you enjoyed it. More to come.