It's So Overt It's Covert

Dec 16, 2011 02:52

I have returned from a midnight showing of Sherlock Holmes.


Also, dear writers and producers: I know that you and canon are like two ships passing in the night. But please, for the love of god, could you at least not keep turning Irene into this damsel figure who is besotted by Holmes? Seriously. Holmes was besotted and entrapped by her. Do get it right.

Additionally: Holmes would not have discarded her handkerchief. Ever. That is canon. AND I KNOW CANON =/= YOU, FILM, BUT SERIOUSLY. This is one of those details which will bug me endlessly. In short: I wish that Holmes' distaste for the illogical was not so often misconstrued as "ergo, Holmes lacks sentiment". He does not!


+ I am not sure what Noomi Rapace's character did, on a whole, but I liked her ok and at least she wasn't a love interest.

+ MARY WATSON. She has so little screen time and is yet so BAMF.

+ MYCROFT MYCROFT MYYYYYCROFT. \O/ I don't even care about the fact that you were illogically running around naked. ILLOGICALLY. (Mycroft would at least have the decency of a dressing gown, thank you!) BUT I DON'T CARE BECAUSE YOU ARE SO AWESOME IT DOESN'T EVEN MATTER.

PS. The scene with Mary was priceless, especially the reference to Mycroft's alleged (canonical) asexuality/homosexuality/whateverness.

+ Speaking of queers, HOLY CRAP HOLMES COULD YOU BE A BIT QUEERER. He is campier than a row of tents in this one and his drag ensemble was amazing. But mostly the fact that he seemed so utterly comfortable with it was amazing.

+ There was Holmes/Watson dropping from the eves in this one. I was like "this is not subtext any more guys". Seriousy. Even Mary Watson knows she married a man who was already married to Sherlock Holmes. (Can we say OT3? :D) But this movie is like "hmmm, subtly, what is that?"

BBC Sherlock, while a superb (and on some levels, superior) adaptation . . . will never be this blatantly queer about Holmes/Watson, ever. Not in a million years. I mean, they will drop subtle hints and then try to turn them into a joke or brush it off, but that is the extent it will go to.

Aside to Gatiss and Moffat: Dammit you guys, get your shit together already. Your version of Holmes is in the 21st century. I wish you would join him. How perverse is it that Guy Ritchie and his period-specific adaptation are more in step with the times than you two? Ugh.

+ Many big explosions, yayz.

+ Moriarty. I quite liked him, but I found him too easily trumped in the end. As soon as Rheinbach was mentioned I was like "oh, so that is happening this movie". I wasn't impressed by him being so easily bested.

+ I wish it had been a real cliffhanger ending. For reals. Sherlock Holmes fans have been dealing with Cliffhangers From Hell since 1893. Like a cliffhanger centered around Holmes' "death" in this film could really tax us all that badly.

+ The torture scene was awful but highly effective. I tend to think that torture in film is usually extraneous. This wasn't.

+ Sebastian Moran was my favorite. Seriously. This is exactly what Moran should be: sharp, cunning, lethal and not the least bit doddering. He was excellent and genuinely frightening.

+ Some of the film editing and cinematography was simply mind-blowing.

In short, I think I need to see this another . . . half dozen times or so in order to fully digest it. But on a whole: ZOMG LOVE.

ETA: nafs provides a pretty thorough review of the movie here. The review is nicely contexualized in terms of the differences between film-verse and canon-verse.

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movie: sherlock holmes, sherlock holmes, teh ghey, fandom: sherlock holmes, holmes/watson

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