Fanvid and Fanmix Master Post

Dec 18, 2010 01:16

Vids are separated between film and TV genres and listed alphabetically according to the vid's title. Main links are dreamwidth with corresponding livejournal posts, unless otherwise noted.


You Shook Me All Night Long
A love letter to women vidders. Features the works of a number of vidders, used with permission. Music by AC/DC.

Lord Byron

Debauchery in the UK
"Welcome to the land of fame excess." For Vividcon 2011's Challenge, "Blast from the Past". Music by Miley Cyrus.

Sherlock Holmes

Whole New Way
Holmes/Watson/Fandom. Epic Romance since 1887. Source from Sherlock Holmes (2009), Sherlock (BBC), Sherlock Holmes (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle) and fannish texts. Music by the Scissor Sisters.


I Just Had Sex
"When I had the sex, man my hammer felt great." Thor/Mjolnir, Thor/Loki, Mjolnir/Everyone. Music by The Lonely Island.


Legend of the Seeker

Richard and Rahl have more in common than they imagine. Music by Natalie Merchant.

For the Love of Gillah
Deep fried crack. Rahl mourns the loss of his life, Giller. Or not. Music by James Horner.

Kahlan is Poncy
Crack vidlet. Lord Rahl thinks Kahlan is poncy. Music from various sources including The Beegees and The Muppet Show.

My Beloved
Vidlet. "She is beyond the belief of all beliefs." Richard/Kahlan. Music by Deepak Chopra.

Sherlock (BBC)

Of Paradox
A paradox a little bit like love. Sherlock/John, for wordstrings. Music by Mason Jennings.

One Week
I'm the kinda guy who laughs at a funeral; Sherlock/John, for irisbleufic. Music by The Barenaked Ladies.


Bitch (Dark Angel)
They wouldn't want her any other way. Max/Logan. Music by Meredith Brooks.

Ding Dong Song (Dr. Horrible's Sing-a-Long Blog)
Vidlet. Captain Hammer's love song . . . to himself. Music by Gunther.

Iko Iko (Diplomatic Immunity 2007)
Leighton Mills' new job is truly trial by fire. Music by The Belle Stars.

Runs in the Family (True Blood)
They're hiding insider her. Jessica character study. Music by Amanda Palmer.

World On a String
"No the world on a string doesn't mean a thing." John, Dean and Sam. Music by Neil Young.


Almost Cut My Hair (Chaplin)
I'm not giving in an inch. Music by CSNY.

Bitter-Sweet (Kingdom of Heaven)
"I too have been covered with thorns." Lyrics by Rumi, adapted by Deepak Chopra.

Like Home (Alexander)
What would you do if you reached the end of the world? Alexander character study. Music by Snow Patrol.

Mercedes-Benz (Iron Man)
"I'd like to do a song of great social and political import." Tony Stark character study. Music by Janis Joplin.

Music is My Boyfriend (Velvet Goldmine)
"If music be the food of love, play on." Curt/Brian/Arthur OT3. Music by The Hidden Cameras.

My Lagan Love (Braveheart)
Love is lord of all. Music by Sinead O'Connor.

To Be a Man (3:10 To Yuma 2007)
Growing up is more than gun-slinging. William character study. Music by Marc Beltrami.


List of fanmixes, in order of most recent to least recent.

Bloodsport (X-Men: First Class) by
ladymajavader and
Erik, Erik/Charles. Erik Lehnsherr is defined by two passions ruling his life: hatred towards Shaw, Nazis and humans (anyone responsible the suffering and injustice he was subjected to) and love for Charles (the one responsible for the fleeting happiness he experienced).

This is not a mix about Nazi-hunting.

The Lehnsherr-Xavier Model (X-Men: First Class) by
ladymajavader and
The Kübler-Ross model, commonly known as The Five Stages of Grief, describes five stages in which people deal with death, tragedy and beach divorces. It was first introduced in 1969 book On Death and Dying, by which time Erik and Charles were either on stage two, five, three or starting the whole process all over again (again).

Little Strumpet (True Blood)
A Franklin (and Tara) mix.

Give (The Paradox Series, Sherlock BBC)
"How did you get to this place, how did you find me? It's not on the map, it's somewhere else. How did you know what song was playing?"
John and Sherlock. A fanmix for The Paradox Series by wordstrings.

The Company of the Young (Doctor Who)
"Sorry, wasn't it obvious? The Dream Lord was me." The Doctor, the Dream Lord and the Companion.

Dying to Love (True Blood)
"If you die in this love, your soul will be renewed." A Godric/Eric fanmix.

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