Jul 29, 2003 21:37
I have plenty of culture. I am Swedish, after all. I think that puts me in the top one percent in everything.
Indiana Jones is a nice movie, but, really, he is named after a dog. How can you take archaeologist seriously if he is named after dog and little girls in class swoon over him? I have very nice teachers in Sweden, but I do not think any of them would be stupid enough to enter a temple of DOOM. If you are teacher, would you not be smart enough to know to avoid temples of DOOM? He is American, though, so that may explain it.
Now, I enjoyed some real culture today. The Little Mermaid: Return to the Sea. Not as great as the original, but it takes you back to that place where you remember how much you loved the original The Little Mermaid. Ariel was still gorgeous, and Eric was still donning those half open sea shirts. I really felt for him when his boat sank. *thumps chest* I feel you right in here, Eric. The other good part? The shark was very very tiny. Smaller than Flounder, and he smashes into a wall of ice, and loses all his teeth. Now that is ingenius. Great writing. It deserved an Emmy. (no, not those silly awards for shows in America. I am talk about the award show Emmy and I put on every year where we make little paper plate awards for our favorite movies. I really feel as if TLM: RTTS has a chance of winning 'Best Picture' even though it is old. Emmy and I really should have watched this when ! it was first released.)
Stina called today and mid-conversation my phone starts beeping. I shrugged, thinking it was nothing but it kept beeping and beeping and then it cut me off. So, I did the logical thing and shook it real hard. And then I hit it against the counter.
That obviously broke it.
I took the thing to Janne (because he is Finnish and likes heavy metal, so I am hoping that he also likes regular metals, like electronics and can fix them), holding it out in my hand and proclaiming that Emmy had dropped it.
He shook it real hard too, but that didn't work. So we went out to the store and bought a new phone. I called up Emmy from my mobile and she expressed a preference for TLM: RTTS phones (I told you; it is good movie), but considering she had broken the other phone, I did not really think I should give her a choice. So I chose a nice black one. It is black with black trim, and matches my black answering machine. I thought it was a smart choice, and I should have been an interior decorator.
I found out from the cashier that my old phone had just been off the charger for far too long and all I had to do was put it back in the recharger.
Well, Janne shook it too, so obviously, that was the logical thing to do, even if it was not in the instruction manual. But I like this phone better than my old one (which was white, and did not match my answering machine) so it all works out okay.
[I hate lj. *shakes fist*]