If you followed a comment of mine posted somewhere in one of the (many many) fandom journals I stalk, or because I friended you, please don't feel pressured to friend me back. I honestly don't maintain a fandom journal of my own as I don't produce anything worth looking at. My fandom interaction is pretty much reading other's contributions and commenting on them. (Sad, I know.)
If you came here from the
knitting comm, I tend to lurk on communities using this ID. I am "mremre" over on Ravelry.
If you're curious about the Bat-doggie icon, it's a chibi-ized sketch my sister's friend made of her miniature pinscher. It was for her class project, and my sister turned our family into an anime series--hence, the bat wings. Minus the wings, though, that really is pretty much what Raki looks like. See for yourself!
Thanks for your visit and understanding, and have fun all!