First week -> Mission accomplished

Apr 11, 2008 22:10

Woah, so, the first week of my second semester has flown by... like Dean accelerating the Impala, so sorta quick.

And my conclusion to this week is: LOTS to read, like, FAR TOO MUCH to read, like, REALLY, REALLY HEAPS IN HEAPS to read...

I think I already spent at least 55€ just on paper in the copy shop and the scripts' shop. Oh, and on minor books...

Hm, I'm not so lucky with my DAP2 prof, she's like, I donno, explains maths like to year 9 students and at the same time expects everyone in the course to know everything from DAP1 by heart - which is pretty weird since at least one third of the students in that course never attended DAP1 and never will, because they don't study computer science and just have to pass one of the two courses. So, really, really strange woman, she is...

BUT my English teachers so far have been pretty cool. Most are even funny, though one is slightly weird, a little nervous maybe, and I'd say that there's a very fine chance he's gay. SO, here my personal reasons why I think he's gay:

*#* teacher   ---   Ok, harmless reason, most aren't gay, but it fits the profile somehow, so it's in
*#* the muscles   ---   Damn, he does some serious workout
*#* his clothes   ---   Like tight tissue trowsers, tight shirt >>>tucked in!!!<<<
                                    ok, the sneakers don't match, alright, his whole outfit doesn't really match, but it's still very gay
*#* the way he talks   ---   hm, so he hasn't said fabulous yet, but, really, it's not far gone

Yeah, MAYBE I'm exagerating here, but well, it's what I thought. Like, if I compared him to Mr. Jones or Mr. Piskurek (bout the same age).... he's gay :D

Oh, and I've decided on which sports I'm gonna do this semester. Well, and figured out which of them I'm actually able to attend and fit into my horrendously overfilled timetable... So there's:
- football on Mondays
- trybal style dance on Wednesdays
- jazz dance on Fridays
I'm really excited about the trybal style dance, cause I've never done anything like that before. And I'm glad I can attend the football practice, because I couldn't last semester.

So have a great weekend everyone! I'll spend it READING, and probably READING, maybe some READING and eventually I'm gonna meet up with Swantje on Sunday and try out archery (Swantje does it regularly). Hm, and on Monday I'll maybe manage to go to Ikea and finally buy a mirror for my room etc.

have fun,

P.s.: I know I haven't posted regularly lately, but Jeez, I think that was one of my longer entries^^

real life

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