I Hate My Life

Oct 04, 2003 07:51

Why is everything so fucked up and people so pathetic? Well I guess I shouldn't be complaining since last night wasnt a total waist of my life. Well there is so much to tell. Well we didnt end up going to the beach instead we thought to do the regular Laurens house party. I'll start from the begging. At about four I went to Jamies house and hung out there with her and Bree for a little while. Then Jamie took us to Brees where Bree did my hair. Me and Bree hung out at her house for about an hour. He little brother Cameron is so cute. He loves to say my name over and over again. Adwen Adwen! Well then Jamie came back over and Bree couldn't leave yet because she had to stay with the kids till her mom gets home so we went and picked up Josh. Poor Josh's brother is all heart broken because his daughter was taken to Iowa to live and he didnt even get to say goodbye. He also got fucked over in court because they had a sexist judge and he gave 100% custody to the mom. Well anywayz, we go back pick up Bree. Then we go and pick up Oscar. Then we go to pick up Michael but he is in the shower. So we head over to Laurens and I drop off my stuff. Jamie still had to pick up this boy she really likes david up from Palm Desert. So me, Jamie and Oscar get back in the car. Picked up Michael and then we went to Palm Desert. We picked up David then went to the gas station then back to Laurens. It's about 9 o clock. So we get there and there is pizza yummy. Now Jamie still had to pick up Armando and drop her car off at Bree's so that her mom if she drives by sees Jamies car there. Jamies not allowed at Laurens cuz her shitty cousin thingy (not her real cousin) told Jamies mom that there was alcohol there one time. Anywayz I didnt want to go on another car ride so I stayed. And I did something I regret but hey I was going to do it no matter what. I fuckin had like 4 shots of Vodka (not very much but it made me tipsy enough) and pizza yummy. So I was hanging out with Josh and Michael. Me and Josh took Bree's camera and took different pictures of use around Laurens house. It was pretty funny. Okay so then Mondo comes and I dont know where Jamie or Bree are at. But anywayz I forgot to mention that Lauren is drunk off her ass and falling over shit. She is the freakin funniest person in the world when shes drunk. But yea so Mondo and Josh walk to the park. Then I go outside and being the dumbass I am I got fascinated with the street light and layed down and stared at it. Then Michael and Lauren come to insect my dead body. WEll I got up and I'm like Lauren the lights are so pretty lets go run to um. So we run to the park and Michael is all freakin out. But we go there and see Mondo and Josh. Well I walk off and go behind a palm tree to sit for a while. Well Lauren starts running for the house and Michael is all freaked out he was all what about Adrienne. But he followed Lauren and yelled stay where you are Adrienne. It was pretty funny. Well I'm sitting there and I start to think how shitty everything is. I always realize so many things when I'm tipsy. But I sober up so quick its not even funny. Well I'm sittin there wondering if anyone gives a shit about me. I suddenly just get mad and upset. I just felt so alone which I am but it hurts to face it. But well I'm sittin there for about ten minutes and then Mondo and Josh see me and Josh comes up and askes me as if I was a baby do you want to go back to Laurens? I didnt say anything so he says to Mondo shes fuckin drunk. Which really really pisses me off. I go (in a nice meek tone not a mean one) I just want to stay here. So Michael comes up then and says he got Lauren to the house shes sitting on the lawn. Which at that Josh and Mondo ran to Laurens house and told Michael to take care of me. Which hurt me unfortunatly really bad. I just have this weal spot for Mondo and Josh. Everytime I'm around them I get hurt. But I feel worse without them. It's hard to explain. They make me feel so alone watching them be all lovey dovey and shit. I don't know I would give anything to not care about them like I do. There the only people who effect me this way I hate IT!!!! Well back to what happened. Michael being the sweet cool ass guy that he is picks me up. I love Michael he is a bad ass friend Im so happy he is one of my close friends. But we walk back to Laurens all Tipsy and laughing and I say to him Michael I'm going to go take a walk. Well he didnt believe me. But I walk out the front door. Michael and Jamie beg me not to go. Then Josh comes out and he makes me so mad. But anywayz he was all just let her go. And I start walking and yell yea listen to dumbass. Which he really is a dumbass do you let a drunk person (which I wasnt I have honestly never been drunk in my life I have never thrown up from alcohol, I only drink till I am happy) go out on there own for a walk? Fucking stupid. Well I walk around for awhile then I go to the park and lay down for awhile. I guess I was hopping they would come look for me but they didnt. And there is a very good reason for that. Well I'm hurt(I deserved it) and uncomfortable so I say to hell with it I'm going home. So I walk home. I get to my house and I call them to tell them that I am okay and not to worry. Well I had called Bree's cell phone and she was like were are you? Why did you leave? Dude theres a hole bunch of shit happening with Lauren. And I'm like should I come back. And shes all no no dont stay away from the drama. And then I here Josh come up and he says he wants to talk to me and I'm pissed at him even though he didnt do shit. So I say no. But I wasnt getting anything from Bree about what the hell is going on so I'm like fine put on Josh.
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