Apr 21, 2005 10:59
man, i hate lcc. i know, i know, i always bitch about lcc. but this time i have a reason. it seems in my writing class, i have 8 papers due today. five of them are my portfolio, so really they aren't too bad. but seriously, what the fuck kind of bitch of a teacher makes 3 papers due the same day as a portfolio. its bullshit. she is always bitching about all the time she has to spend grading papers. the problem is, i dont think she even opens them when she does it. i mean, honestly, the grading seems completely random. one paper will get a 4. and the next a 1.5. it doesnt make any sense. i half ass everything. ill admit that. i dont care about lcc, so i dont work hard. but, she is so inconsistant. some of the people in my class work their asses off, and they have the same problem. its like she took the spinner from twister and put grades on it. "next paper. (spins the spinner). 3.5. next paper" fuck actually reading them. stupid bitch. and i feel bad for a lot of my class. we had this research paper due in the class, and i did it on legalizing weed, which is funny cuz i dont smoke it. but anyway, it typical dorsey style, it was completely half ass and mostly bullshit. i got a 4. i was the only person in the class to pull a 4 on the paper. and i know some of the people worked really fucking hard. im not complaining(i really need the 4), but its not fair to the people who actually want to learn. so now i have to write a resume. not a normal resume, the one everyone has, but some bullshit style. thats LCC for you. dont do anything the way the rest of the world does it. no no, this little shit ass COMMUNITY COLLEGE knows better. hmm, no. im sitting in lcc's computer lab and as i look around, id bet that half the people in here are over 30. i got nothing agianist older people, or going back to school, but i wish theyd do it somewhere else. grrr. damn. i know i must sound like a dick, but every once in a while i gotta let off some anger againist this place. oh yea, i won a prize, but i dont know what it is yet.