I have neglected this thing utterly. Living my life is getting the way of chronicling it. Google Calendar tells me that 18 out of the 30 days of June have or had something social scheduled on them. (If you want to do something on the 26th or the 30th, now is the time to speak up.) Parties and movies and out-of-town guests, mostly. I'm having to turn down invitations. I never turn down invitations.
I am enjoying Dungeons and Dragons far more than I expected to; I think as much as anything I like having scheduled social time I don't have to think about.
dreamline and
inevitableguy were having Dollhouse and board games on Fridays but that's kind of fallen away with the show over and every weekend being packed. I need to poke them about scheduling something...um, in July, I guess.
No news on the baby front, not that I really expected anything this soon. Still need to buy: diaper bag, baby monitor. Will get around to this: I have no idea.
southplains is in Spokane this weekend and his friends D and J are coming here, so I'll be playing host. In the rain, apparently, which may put a Kibosh on Operation Solstice Parade (eight years and I still haven't made it yet).
No real newsy news...I think part of the issue with updating here is that I feel like it's same-old same-old most of the time. I should be glad: most of the excitement out there right now isn't the good kind. I should try more though. (I was in Spokane last week. Their Pride parade lasted six minutes. It was so good we watched it twice.)