Singularity Application

Jul 29, 2011 00:41

Player Information ;
Your Nickname: Aki
OOC Journal: ginderpia
Under 18? Nope.
Email/IM: akkiko_tenshi[at] / GinryuKnight [AIM]
Characters Played at Singularity: N/A

Character Information ;
Name: Yuri Lowell
Name of Canon: Tales of Vesperia
Canon/AU/Other Game CR: Canon
Reference: Character's Wiki & Canon Wiki
Canon Point: Post-game.

Setting: The setting of Terca Lumireis is basically your typical fantasy world. There are several continents, each inhabited by humans and monsters alike, as well as a scattering of islands to help fill the vast space left by the two oceans.

Because the monster threat was so high, mankind employed the use of an ancient technology called blastias. Blastia were magical devices that converted aer, an energy source found all over the world, through various formulas into forms of usable energy, such as light and water. Most importantly, blastias were used to construct massive barriers over cities in order to protect them from the monsters. As the study of these devices continued, some even managed to use them to perform artes, special attack skills that heightened one's fighting abilities. In time, blastias became an essential part of daily life for many.

Because life outside of the cities was so dangerous, monopolizing the blastia became an important business venture with extremely profitable outcomes for the side that managed to hold the most. Thus, it was no surprise that the empire had a hand in almost anything to do with blastia research or transaction. The empire also had complete control over the main blastia research facility, Aspio.

Opposing the empire's dominance and control over blastia and the lives of its citizens were the guilds. The guilds were composed of various men and women, all seeking to live out their lives free of the empire's control and laws. Appropriately, the two major factions of the guilds were named The Union and Pallestrale. Because the empire refused to recognize these guilds, they declared every member stripped of their rights as an imperial citizen and banned them from operation in their cities, such as Halure, Aspio, Capua Nor and Torim as well as the capital city, Zaphias. In retaliation, the guilds built their own cities with Pallestrale residing in the coliseum city, Nordopolica and the Union creating a universal guild capital called Dahngrest.

Though some guilds managed to find ways around the empire's laws, the two sides were always in opposition and considered the other their enemy. All that changed with the arrival of Brave Vesperia, a fairly new and unestablished guild. Brave Vesperia was a guild founded by Karol Capel and boasted such members like Yuri Lowell, an ex-knight, and Judith, a dragon rider. It was named by Princess Estellise Sidos Heurassein, a candidate for the throne of the empire, and had ties with the head of the Union as well as the leader of Pallestralle. It also had the services of the famed maged from Aspio, Rita Mordio who would ultimately be responsible for saving the world.

Brave Vesperia became known worldwide when the Commandant of the Imperial Knights tried to seize control of the planet by harnessing the power of the ancients. He commandeered the Shrine of Zaude and attempted to use the power of the blastia in order to "cleanse the world of its scum." What he didn't know, however, was that the blastia atop Zaude wasn't a weapon but in fact a massive barrier blastia that was keeping out a world devouring calamity known as the Adephagos. Though Brave Vesperia attempted to stop him, their actions came too late and the Adephagos was unleashed upon the world.

In this time of crisis, with the new Commandant, Flynn Scifo, Brave Vesperia helped bring the guilds and the Empire together in order to formulate a plan to destroy the Adephagos entirely. They did this by deciding to sacrifice all the blastia in the world in order to create a new, more safe form of energy called mana and to use that to destroy the Adephagos.

Though they succeeded in ridding the planet of the world devourer, every city lost its barrier and were open to the threat of monster attacks. Though the mages of Aspio are now attempting to formulate new ways to harness the power of mana, rather than aer, mankind sits uncomfortably on the edge of change with no hope of returning to the ways of old.

Personality: The first thing you have to understand about Yuri’s personality is that he’s always hiding his true motivations through evasion and deflecting. The more hilarious part about this, however, is that with enough time spent around him, these attempts only serve to make him more transparent and easily read. With that being said, it shouldn’t come as a surprise that Yuri has multiple sides to his personality and that each are clearly defined yet strangely in sync with the others.

The major three are Yuri the Slacker, Yuri the Vigilante and Yuri the Self-Sacrificing Dolt.

We’ll start with Yuri the Slacker. As the title suggests, this is the easy-going, carefree Yuri that almost everyone is exposed to. This is also the cover for the other two sides, which means this is the way he’ll act nearly all the time. It would not be remiss of me to say that this is his most prevalent attitude and probably very close to his true persona but it would be more accurate to say this is more of a result than a cause in regards to his motivations. In this frame of mind, Yuri is simplistic, a realist and extremely grounded. He sees things simply, taking obstacles in stride and never lets them distract him from the true goal. It’s this attitude of his that keeps him optimistic and focused, which ultimately causes others around him to become like-minded. Because of his constant cheerful or uncaring manner, he can come off as irksome to many others but those who truly know him recognize the strong determination and good heart beneath, despite his mischievous tendencies.

Which brings us to Yuri the Self-Sacrificing Dolt. This title is also fairly self-explanatory in that Yuri has a massive martyr complex that he will never ever admit to. This is also the focal point of his motivations, though he never says as much in words. This side of Yuri peeks out from beneath his façade as a lazy, downtown bum occasionally and is almost always hidden again the minute someone pays attention. Any attempt to analyze, remark or compliment him on any of his actions as a result of this side are also deflected or evaded, painting him as modest (when it really counts) and a bit shy about his tendency to do good things. In fact, it’s this reserved nature that often causes him to come across as more of a dick than hero.

An example would be when the group witnessed a father, whose son had been taken by an evil magistrate, about to charge off into the wilderness to fight a notoriously powerful monster in order to earn the money to free his son. Rather than sensibly catch the man and try to talk him down, as most heroes would have done, Yuri tripped him and made him faceplant into stone and left the rest of the group to patch up his wounds and explain the reasoning.

There are other examples of course, such as allowing the credit for many of his accomplishments to fall on the shoulders of others as well as sacrificing his own sense of morals in order to save the lives of the innocent.

Which, conveniently, then brings us to Yuri the Vigilante. This side of Yuri is the darkest and rarely ever sees daylight. In fact, this side has only come out twice in game. (Three times, tops.) Also named appropriately, this is the side of Yuri where he enforces justice when the law fails to do so.

Twice, when two different high-ranking officials were found guilty of crimes against humanity, the Empire failed to make them pay for their crimes because of their influential power. In order to prevent a repeat of their actions and to protect the lives of those weaker and unable to fight back, Yuri decided to take things into his own ends and ended up killing both of them. (Or rather, killed one and watched the other sink into sand.) When Flynn called him out on his actions, Yuri explained that he had done it to save those who would have inevitably died in the future by the criminals’ hands. He also admitted that he realized he was sinking to their level and had become a criminal himself.

This side ties in heavily with his martyr self because Yuri claims to have taken up the duty of “dirtying his hands” in order to protect the innocent. He doesn’t concern himself with the fact that he might end up rotting in a cell for these murders, only that lives will be spared because of his actions. Thus, this side of Yuri is another result of his deep-rooted notions of justice and honor. He’s willing to take on all the hatred, the slander and the disgrace if it means someone else will make it out okay. It also means that anyone who abuses the weak for their own profit will earn no mercy for him. He’s already proven that he doesn’t care if he gets labeled a murderer, only that others with the same title get their due.

Abilities, Weaknesses, and Power Limitation Suggestions:


✧ Able to perform a myriad of attacks with swords, axes, fists and his own feet.
✧ Is ambidextrous and extremely flexible.
✧ Capable of various elementally charged attacks. ✘
✧ Faster and stronger than the average human being, though nothing superhuman.
✧ Apparently, the ability to teleport.
✧ Is the snarkiest snarker that ever snarked.

✦ Can't cast magical spells.
✦ Has poor defense against magic.
✦ Sometimes has issues with teamwork/relying on others.
✦ Is canonly one of the unluckiest guys on the planet.
✦ Has a fetish for cat ears.

Power Limitations:
As stated in the setting portion, Yuri and his friends orchestrated a plan to save Terca Lumireis by sacrificing all of the blastia on the planet. Among these was his own bodhi blastia, which enabled him enhance his own skills with the power of aer. With that option no longer available, Yuri's abilities have been reduced to that of an average human being's.

All of the strengths listed above with a ✘ beside them are the ones he can no longer perform. More importantly, while it might be possible to regain those skills with the newly created mana, I highly doubt there are sufficient amounts of mana to be found in this setting, or that Yuri has the skills to utilize it effectively. As such, he's just your average master swordsman with a really flamboyant fighting style.
  • The clothes on his back, plus an extra outfit or two.
  • His sword, the Second Star, and an accompanying sheath.
  • A glove that more closely resembles a gauntlet called the Garm Fang.
  • A bodhi blastia in the form of a golden bracelet, sans the blastia core.
  • Some medical supplies, such as a handful of recovery gels and bottles.
  • One bitchin' hat.
Appearance: With long dark hair and round eyes, Yuri does not look like the type of guy who could (almost) single-handedly throw the world on its head. Instead, he looks more like a casual layabout who spends his days lazing under the sun and skipping out on the chores. As many of his companions (and enemies) will tell you, however, looks are deceiving.

5'9" in height, slim shouldered and fit, from behind he's often been mistaken for a girl with his waist length dark hair and slender legs. His outfits most often tend to be in dark colors and with boots making him seem more evil and intimidating than he really is. On the occasion that he wears something bright and silly, it's usually because the outfit was a gift.

Age: Twenty-two.

OC/AU Justification ;
If AU, How is Your Version Different From Canon, and How Will That Come Across? N/A
If OC, Did You Run Your Character Through a Mary-Sue Litmus Test? N/A
And What Did You Score? N/A

Samples ;
Log Sample: Walking forward, Yuri can only feel a cold emptiness in his veins as he watches Cumore take that final step back and goes plunging into the sandpit below with a horrified shriek. In a way, he's grateful for the numbness that keeps him from feeling anything as he dirties his hands again, though the reprieve is bitter sweet. He knows that once this is all over and he's back at the inn watching Karol sprawl over his sheets, he'll feel differently. He'll feel consumed, burdened and heavy.

But for now? For now, he's icy cold and filled with disgust as he walks up to the edge of the dune and looks down at the knight who is slowly sinking into the darkness.

"I-I beg you! Spare my life!" Cumore shrieks, his eyes filled with pleading. For a brief moment, Yuri let himself consider the possibility of ending this now. Of turning back and taking the higher road and creating change without shedding blood, like Flynn would want. But it's only a brief moment, nothing more than an idle thought flickering through his brain, leaving as quickly as it came. There's no turning back for him anymore, not after Ragou.

Someone had to get their hands dirty.

Giving a mild, pointed glance at the coil of rope next to his feet, Yuri remained otherwise motionless, making absolutely no move to rescue the man. He wanted his point made clear, that there wasn't going to be any salvation for either of them at this point. And as he watched the realization come to Cumore's eyes, that he really was going to die here, the fallen knight reached up to him in a last ditch attempt.

"P-please no!" He wailed, "Not like this! I-I don't want to go like this!"

And at that moment, the disgust at the back of Yuri's throat overwhelmed his detached apathy for this situation. "Tell me," he began, voice low and barely audible over the sound of falling sand, "how many times have you heard those very words?"

Cumore's hand falls and finally, finally he sinks away into the sand, his screams dying out as the earth swallows him up. Yuri wasn't certain how long he stood there in silence, staring at the spot where the knight had disappeared so as to burn the imagery into his mind.

Murder is a crime.

And he was very much a murderer. The thought didn't bother him or cause him grief or guilt, if anything it only made him grim and filled with determination. He was sinking to their level and getting caught up in their depravity, yes, but that was okay. He wasn't a hero, he didn't have to put on an act for anyone and pretend to be a good guy. That was Flynn's job, only he wasn't pretending. He was the good guy. The naive, model citizen that would make the real changes in the end and change the empire.


He was just taking out the trash so nobody else had to.

Network Sample: [Here's Yuri, blatantly tinkering with things he should not tinker with. Especially when he knows dick squat about the technology he's got in his hands. Or... technology in general, really. The bracelet is in his palm and he's moving around some of the holographic images but it's pretty obvious he's out to sea on this one.]

Video streaming, huh? [There's a brief pause in which Yuri's expression changes into something that can only be called "irate."] Goes right over my head. Anyone know where I can find a crash course on this thing before I screw it up?

[There's a pause, before he mutters rather darkly:] How do you even tell if this thing's on?

singularity, ooc, application

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