Ten Top Trivia Tips about Rath! - Japan provides over thirty percent of the world's Rath supply.
- If Rath was life size, he would stand 7 ft 2 inches tall and have a neck twice the size of a human!
- Rath will often glow under UV light.
- Thirty-five percent of the people who use personal ads for dating are Rath.
- Rath has only one weakness - the colour yellow!
- Some hotels in Las Vegas have Rath floating in their swimming pools.
- The only Englishman to become Rath was Nicholas Breakspear, who was Rath from 1154 to 1159.
- New Zealand was the first place to allow Rath to vote.
- In Chinese, the sound 'Rath' means 'bite the wax tadpole'.
- The book of Esther in the Bible is the only book which does not mention Rath.
I-- What...? Yellow? Huh?