On Friday night I went to the theathre and watched Hair. It was fabolous, the actors were all very good . It's strange how those beautiful songs keep on playing in my mind and I've been internally singing them since then. Crazy? Yes I think so.
Anyway, I haven't posted anything in three weeks: first because I'm patologically lazy, then because I'm very very busy with three exams I have to do in December. Saying I'm studying hard is a big, fat understatement. I really hope to make it through this stormy period, because I want to spend my Christmas holidays in peace. I want to relax, laying cozy in my room with a book or wasting my time watching lots and lots of tv shows.
I've planned to catch up with Gossip Girl, I started to watch it last winter and then stopped for no particular reason. Then I'd like to give Merlin of BBC a shot, because it could provide the right amount of sillines and fun I need in this period. If you'd like to advice me some other series, I'd be glad.
Oh and speaking of tv shows, this fall I managed to watch the first season of Pushing Daisies and I immediately fell in love with it. It's one of the most original,refreshing and cutest tv shows I've ever seen in my life. And I am not keen on exagerations. Imagine my disappointment as I found out it is to be canceled in 6 episodes! It's such a shame people didn't understand its potential...
Oh last but not least, I need to change my layout. Is there anyone out there who wants to help me?