Tweets for Today

Mar 06, 2009 08:30

  • 09:27 Nattering at my blog: #
  • 09:46 A possible 56° today? Holy fish! #
  • 10:30 Jon and Rachel. I love you guys. But enough with the "Bill O'Reilly is a nice guy off-screen" pap. We're not invited to those parties. #
  • 11:25 Let's play the lyrics identification game: "Yours is the only version of my desertion that I could ever subscribe to." #
  • 11:58 @ semibold I like that he's going with the white hair. Think it's really his? #
  • 11:58 @ semibold Meaning that he bleaches it that white? #
  • 12:59 I must remember that I can make the novel "perfect" during the editing process. #
  • 13:01 He celebrated completion of the third strip by shaving off his beard, grabbing a shower, and making a secret vow to reject all fear. #
  • 13:05 I'm going to throw out some quotes from my novel. I feel safe since they're completely context-free this way. #
  • 13:06 Memories were heavily weighted things, stacked at the back of his skull, only occasionally lugged forward for reference and review. #
  • 13:20 @ xgray You will show me it. #
  • 13:35 @ xgray Now is INVISIBLE SANDWICH! #
  • 15:20 All the rest was black and grey stone, washed cleanly of all emotion in the moonlight. #
  • 15:20 The young man in the black uniform belonged here, not in the other room. It was geometrically precise and obscenely clean. #
  • 23:27 I hope the Watchmen film has a better ending than the comic. Moore really muffed it when he had them all go out for ice cream. #
  • 23:59 "Terrible experiences make one wonder whether he who experiences them is not something terrible."-Nietszche #
  • 00:40 Like Paul Riddell, I also cried when the xenomorph got blown out the airlock in Alien. Like a fucking baby. #
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