Well, this is just silly. As satisfying as it might be to see "Rush: You're a Hateful Prick. Burn in Hell." on a billboard in a town I have no intention of visiting, what's the point? If the sprits of Christmas Past, Present, and Future came to Rush's bedside one night, he'd just call them socialists, turn over, and go back to sleep. Cui bono, billboard? Those still shimmering with Inauguration Day afterglow don't require such fripperies.
By the way, I'm not defending Limbaugh as a fellow writer/journalist (and hence free speech), as I've seen some disingenuous journalists doing. I'm not doing that because Limbaugh isn't a real writer/journalist. He doesn't write or report the news-he regurgitates. Plus, I didn't want to mention this, for fear my life might be endangered, but I've discovered something upon careful review of all available footage of the man. Limbaugh isn't just full of shit, he's crawling with it. I'm not making this up, my friends, just watch the news. Through an abomination of nature the likes of which biologists have never seen, the shit within Limbaugh has literally come alive. Watch closely. Like a pregnant mother's belly, you can see shit beasties rippling beneath his corpulent, steak- and oxycodone-fed flesh. Why would I lie about something like this? One hopes he doesn't topple over and burst on a hard surface.
Anyway, funding swipes at a deaf and drug-addled beached whale during our moment of triumph is just wasteful. The man's increasing irrelevance is satisfying enough.
See, I savaged Rush plenty, and at a cost of almost zero.