L'Ultimo uomo della terra!
Italian cheapie version of Richard Matheson's I Am Legend, starring Vincent Price I was amazed to see this at Target, until I realized it was an attempt to cash in on the Will Smith remake (and, by accident, Charlton "Omega Man" Heston's death). I remember watching it with dad on the old channel 44, source of schlocky horror films and ancient Felix the Cat and Popeye cartoons. The effete Price, believe it or not, is a vampire killer in a post-apocalyptic world, who dispatches the undead in uncharacteristically non-ironic fashion. I can't recall if he wears an ascot while slaying, but I wouldn't be surprised. I'm sure Price, however, was a far more butch vamp killer than, say, Peter Cushing, though far more effeminate than Buffy Summers.