Jun 09, 2007 17:39

Damn, according to some media sources, raising a child is hard work! I hate hard work! I thought raising children would be simple, like making Pop Tarts or combing my hair. Now I'm screwed! Thanks for telling me far, far too LATE, you sadistic creeps! Oh Jesus! OH SWEET JESUS! ALL IS LOST!!! MY LIFE IS RUINED!!! WAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! THE MEDIA TOLD ME I COULD BE 18 FOREVER!!! BOO HOO HOO!!!

You bastards. Burn in hades.

Har har! I make joke.

For those of you nowhere near to raising children (unlike myself, a near-40-year-old man), the above is usually followed with an explanation of the fuzzy-wuzzy, ooey-gooey wewards of waising a human being-I'm sorry, a wonderful widdle miracle of joyous golden life.

I thank God I was raised by grown-up pragmatists who didn't hug me every half hour.

Note: I look forward to teaching my child how to take advantage of the fearful and indulged marshmallow beings in his/her age group. He'll/She'll probably be world dictator in a matter of months.
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