Since my electric toothbrush doesn't quit for two full minutes, I usually watch a little TV to kill time as I vibrate the plaque off my teeth. Consequently, South Park is usually on at the time, albeit the edited for late night TV version. Last night's episode was the one about people from the future coming to South Park via a time tunnel, and
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and yes, they're both pretty vocal libertarians.
I think my point is that there's virulent anti-Semitism ala Illinois Nazis, then there's lazy "comedic" anti-Semitism that depends on buying into the stereotypes at some level (ironically or otherwise). The latter may not be motivated by wanting to see the Chosen People flying up the chimneys, but it's still pretty lame, and, unless done well, kind of opportunistic and vile. Whatever, it's good to crack wise about anything, so I'm not saying no one should ever make a Jewish joke.
What grinds my gears is when (1) The jokes just ain't funny-not offensive, just dumb ("Kyle, you greedy Jew, you're a greedy Jew, Kyle. You're greedy, Kyle, and a Jew. You greedy Jew, Kyle. You Jew. Kyle, you greedy Jew." Though, from what I hear, the "Passion of the Jew" episode dealt with the issue in a funnier and harder hitting way.), (2) causing the comedian to automatically drop into a defensive crouch, saying, "Whoa! I'm a Jew, folks, so it's all right!" That's pathetic. Crack wise and you should be ready to take your lumps. In Stone's case though I'm guessing he just doesn't give a damn.
But, you know, that's how those people are.
You know... Douches.
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