Does Your Sex Beast® Want ASS?

Jan 28, 2007 13:40

I love my sister-in-law Marnie because she sends me stuff like this.

And here's Marnie offering her assessment of the below.

"Rational Recovery (uh, copyright)"

What Your Sex Beast® Really Wants
© 2005, Jack Trimpey

If you are a "secret sexer," pursuing forbidden fruit against your own better judgment, you are likely in the grip of your Sex Beast®, a mindless desire for erotic pleasures. If you pursue illegal pleasures, your Sex Beast® wants you to believe that you are out of control, that there is no cure for your obsession, and that you are doomed to keep rolling the dice until the worst happens. Your Sex Beast® wants you to think there's something wrong with you, that you need the help of recovery groups, shrinks, and addiction treatment in order to behave properly. My urgent advice to you is to stay away from recovery groups of all kinds, and don't bother with counseling or addiction treatment, but by all means quit your objectionable behavior right now, and for the rest of your days. Your Sex Beast’s urgent advice is for you to get out of this website before you learn too much.

My Sex Beast® wants Lisa Loeb to salaciously eat a box of Ding Dongs® while he watches.

The Zero-Tolerance Ultimatum for the Addicted Spouse or Significant Other (ASS) in Your Family
© 2005, Jack Trimpey

As for “tough love, we know it’s tough to love a drunk, so there’s no use pretending. We suggest that the addicted spouse or significant other be thought of in the shortened tag, ASS, an ass who is betraying others for the sheer pleasure produced by alcohol and other drugs. Accordingly, we tend to view the family of addicted people as suckers, because the family’s ASS takes advantage of everyone’s better nature in order to build tolerance for more self-intoxication, especially those little planned, personal parties called, “relapses.”

I was with him until I read the acronym again.
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