"There should never…ever…be a ban on cursing…fucking ever…"
Mistress Strangelove (aka Meli) It amazes me what a little conversation between friends brings up....
As my friend Al Dogg and I returned from seeing
Sympathy for Lady Vengeance (which comes highly recommended, by the way) yesterday night, he told me of
this news story, knowing of my penchant for "ranting about ridiculous bullshit" online....
Sooo, here we go again with a rant against the latest instance of "ridiculous bullshit" to hit Slave Britannia.
If anyone has the nerve to contest my claim that this country slowly slides into totalitarian sewage, I encourage them to step up to the table with a strong counter-argument; from where I sit however, there exists no better reinforcement of this, my argument, than jackbooted janitors of the Law(TM) slapping fines on peaceful citizens exercising the "free" speech that apparently separates us from our "uncivilized" brethren in the Middle East.
Nice to know all those dead soldiers didn't lay down their lives in vain, huh?
It amuses me how that smug fucker Tony Blair had the nerve to extol the "cultural superiority" of Western democracy and turn around and set set the wheels in motion for the 'Respect' campaign to stamp down on behaviour he and his Cabinet cronies view as "anti-social". Seriously, I thought police officers had bigger fish to fry like, say for example, potential terrorists who threaten our "free and liberal" way of life! As someone for whom swearing and cursing - in spoken and written word - remains a regular and much enjoyed "vice", I really hope Kurt Walker told the (conveniently unnamed) policewoman at the heart of this to suck his fucking dick!
Another contender for MRDA's Wangsucker of the Week Award must surely be Dover District Councillor Julie Rook who says: "Swearing and abusive behaviour certainly is not normal behaviour and I feel (emphasis mine) it should never be used in a public place". I must wonder, if this blinkered bitch ever spent a day in the real world! People swear all the fucking time, you constrictive cunt, but then if you didn't spend all day walled up in your tax-funded council office you'd actually have a clue as to what the fuck you speak of! Another thing since when does responding "Fuck all!" to a friend's enquiry of what one got up to constitute "abusive behaviour? Get a fucking context, dumb shit!
On the other hand, if I walked into her office and called her a cognitively-challenged, cock-sucking, council cum-dumpster that would constitute "abusive behaviour" (as well as a fair evaluation).
As for her feeling regarding this? Hah! Nice of her to give an insight into how panoptic policy gets put into motion (and maintained) - but then again cognitive clarity hardly strikes me as a strong point of Britain's bureaucratic body!
Pretty encouraging to know that the good citizen remains at the mercy of the bureaucratic biochemical reaction of the moment, what?
I swear if Britain does (fully) become the Democratic Dictatorship I envision, they'll probably build the Ministry of Love Respect in Kent, going by all this....