Title: You Want What?
Theme: Christening
Charries: Ami and Zoe
Warnings: Well, I suppose this could be offensive religiously, but no disrespect is intended.
Ami sighed as she laid the freshly nursed infant in her basinet. “Zo’, you’re not even Catholic. Why would you want to do this?”
“Well, technically, kind of…” The blonde woman shrugged, moving to wrap her arms around her wife’s waist once Charis was securely tucked in. “I was Christened, went through First Communion, Confirmed… I’m still on the roles.”
“Do you consider yourself Catholic?” She leaned back into the arms, not offended by the idea, but a bit confused. She thought her wife was somewhere between a pagan and an agnostic.
Zoe shook her head, “No, but in Ireland, the church still controls enough that you don’t take yourself off the roles lightly. Honestly, it was just not worth doing that to Mom, and then I married this incredible woman who clearly wanted one of those one day.” She nodded towards Charis and then leaned down slightly to kiss Ami’s neck. “And well, the school options are better if you’re Catholic.”
Ami blinked and turned around in Zoe’s arms, “We live in Japan. Were you wanting to move?”
“No, gods no! Your sisters and my brothers are here. And it was too difficult to find Mamoru in the first place.” Zoe gently cupped Ami’s face.
“Then… you want to have our daughter Christened into a religion that you don’t even claim… so that she could get into a good school in a nation we don’t, and aren’t going to anytime soon, live in?” Ami’s eyebrow rose in a way that had Zoe frowning slightly.
“Well, yeah. And it’s kind of part of being Irish. And… it would mean a lot to my mother.” Zoe smiled a bit, knowing just how weak her argument was.
“Oh… so we’re doing this for family?” Ami shrugged and kissed her wife softly, “You should have said that to start with.”
Blinking, Zoe looked down at her wife, before laughing and pulling her tighter against her. “That’s it, really?”
“Of course. But you’re explaining it to Rei.”