Harry Potter Personality Quiz by
Pirate Monkeys Inc. So, unsurprisingly, I'm an ISTJ. Took a few other Myers-Brigs test online. Yup. Still an ISTJ. Took a Risk Attitudes Profiler? Ponderous and Rational. Sadly, most of the stuff in these profiles hit dead on. Some were off obviously, but otherwise, fairly accurate. So, I'm like 1/16th of the rest of the world. Looking at my Chinese Horoscope, I'm a Dragon. Most of the descriptions there are fairly accurate too. Looking at my element? Fire. Yup. Pretty accurate there too. Sad. I'm predictable. Boringly so.
So, the real question is, how many others out there in the world are *just like me*?
1 in 16 have my personality type. Of those, 1 in 12 will be my zodiac animal. And of those 1 in 5 will be my element. So, if you were to take everyone born on my exact birthday (month/day/year), then 1 in 16 will have the same personality as me? Scary.
So, how much free will do we really have? Apparently, I have none. I'm just a tool of the cosmos. How sad.
Time for bed :P