Fuck me Im famous

Oct 10, 2006 15:17

So first off let me start by saying Im not expecting anyone to read this, its more for me to vent.

Well work has been quite a trip so far, Im gaining tons of experiance and work with a bunch of cool guys and yes even some foxy LADIES ;).

Life is great yet horrible at the same time.
The worst part is Honestly I have no friends anymore. FOR SERIOUS. Like the group I used to pal around with is hardcore into some heavy drugs and has been for awhile now. I used to be able to deal with it but lately not so much. And they pretty much told me they rather do drugs than be my friend. Which makes me ask, Were we even friends from the start? I mean when you were in the hospital who stayed all night with your mom there, then came back and stayed the whole day and drove you home when you were released? Who stood by your side when no one else did? Whatever.
I mean people i work with invite me out all the time but I cant go to bars yet, and Im really not going to drive an hour+ just to hang out sorry. Theres only little kids in my neighboor hood, and Im out of college so there goes the whole "meeting new people thing" Its like the only person i hang out with is anna. But she has her own life and we dont even get to hang out that much.
So Im trying to get involved in alot diffrent things. Like Im volunteering as a paramedic at willow creek, but again everyone i work with has at least 10 years on me. I signed up to do big brothers big sisters but would i really meet people through there. Im not shy by anymeans I just dont know where to go meet people. People i meet/run into at parties are all the same. Meaning almost all of them I meet are hardcore into coke. Which brings up another point. When did coke get so fucking popular. I mean its easier to get coke now that it is pot. Dont get me wrong I went through my little druggie phase but that was years ago. I've grown up since and have a job where drugs can not have a part in my life. OI VEY

Sorry for this long rant i just needed to get that all out.
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