Jul 04, 2005 17:11
I ran away this weekend. I just really needed to get away from everything and everyone. But I'm back now and everything is fine.
Summer is almost halfway over and it seems like i've barely had a chance to blink. It's been pretty fun, but after a summer like last year's, i don't think it matters what happens this summer, i doubt it could measure up. I've working a ton still (40+ hours a week) and it's starting to wear on me. I love the work and i'm learning a lot, but one can only handle 18 hour days for so long.
To be honest though, if i could end it right now and go off to school i probably would. It just seems like i've gotten everything out of life at this point and it's time to move on. There are a few things that I don't feel like i've completely finished, but those are few and i know that no matter how much i want to go back and fix things, i can't. No regrets though, because if they couldn't be changed back then, they sure as hell aren't going to change now. I did and said everything i could and this is the way things went... oh well. (I think i'm beginning to be a little vague, so i'll get back to more recent developments).
Do you ever feel like the people you've known for so many years seemingly change in a week? Are they changing or is it you who are changing?... I don't know, but if someone could tell me that would be fantastic.
CTOPS (orientation) is next monday and tuesday. I am looking forward to it like whoa, but a 6.5 hour drive doesn't exactly excite me. Plus so far i've heard that pretty much all orientations are boring and repetitive. But i'm afraid being on the hill even if only for those few days will get me so ready to leave for school i'll go insane waiting for another two months. Yes that's right, i don't move in until August 27th... crazy i know.
A kick arse trip to DC is now in the works. I still have to get my face (nose) fixed though... hopefully i can push the surgery back to late august... hopefully.
It's 5:30 on the 4th of july. I'm scheduled to go to david's to blow some stuff up at 7:30 so i'm going to go grab some food and celebrate how incredible our country is and how lucky we all are to have been born here. God bless America and the people who have sacrificed so much to ensure our freedom.